An overlander's account of South and Central America by motorbike - the trusty Suzuki DR650. Within are great travel tips and hints (2011).

Monday, April 11, 2011

Buenos Aires 19th - 23rd March 2011

In Buenos Aires I stayed at Dakar Motos.  A great place with fellow travellers and advice and help at hand!  I spent a few days here servicing the bike...oil change, new tyres etc.  Other than that I managed to check out a zoo, the Recoleta cemetery (full of massive houses and statues for the dead), watched a game of soccer at La Boca and checked out Camanito!  Buenos Aires was a nice place but not one of my favourites!

To watch a game at La Boca (how to get tickets at La Boca stadium) NOT buy the 400 peso tourist pass.  Go to the gates around 2 hrs before the game (find out when the game is on from the tourist info places that sell the costly tickets) and ask "donde puede comprar un boleta?" will be offered some around 200 or 300, and some tickets can be fake.  Find one of the socios that has a card and will get you in for 100 pesos!!!  La popular is definitely the best place to be...the atmosphere there is amazing...90 minutes of sweat spraying, singing, drum beating and arm throwing!!  The place is pretty safe although you will be locked in at the end so all the other stages can leave first...tourists might be let out if you can get back to the door!  I was lucky enough (with my long hair) to look similar to a gay guy in their big brother show at the moment, so got ridiculed and roughed up a bit at the end when leaving.  Otherwise really no problems...a fantastic experience not to miss!


  1. Great blog, the photos are wonderful those place are beautiful..

  2. Thankyou, I'm still trying to keep it up and going and most importantly...informative and entertaining
